Business Spanish Vocabulary

Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. There are over 500 million Spanish speakers spread out throughout North and South America, Europe, and Africa. With countries more connected than ever, the ability to speak multiple languages has become one of the most valuable assets to have.

This is especially true if you are doing business with people from overseas. A solid business Spanish vocabulary can go a long way in helping you negotiate with that supplier in Mexico or apply for that internship in Madrid. As a result, we created this Spanish business terms glossary made up of some of the most commonly used business terms.

un negocio – a business

“Mi familia tiene un negocio en Argentina.” – “My family has a business in Argentina.”

un cliente – a client

“Nuestro cliente principal es un Google.” – “Our main client is Google.”

una empresa – a company

“Nuestra empresa está buscando nuevos socios comerciales.” – “Our company is looking for new business partners.”

el personal – the staff

“Nuestro personal es muy trabajador” – “Our staff is very hardworking.”

un proveedor – a supplier

“Ellos tienen muchos proveedores en todo Asia.” – “They have many suppliers all over Asia.”

un contrato – a contract

“No vamos a renovar su contrato de trabajo.” – “We won’t renew your work contract.”

contratar – to hire

“Necesitamos contratar a un nuevo gerente.” – “We need to hire a new manager.”

despedir – to fire

“Necesitamos despedir al interno.” – “We need to fire the intern.”

las ganancias – the profit

“Nuestra ganancias netas del año pasado fueron de 3 millones de euros.” – “Our net profit last year was 3 million euros.”

las pérdidas – losses

“Tenemos que evitar más pérdidas.” – “We need to avoid further losses.”

un precio – a price

“El precio de euro se ha mantenido estable.” – “The price of the euro has remained stable.”

un descuento – a discount

“Todo nuestro portafolio de productos está con un 3% de descuento.” – “All of our product portfolios have a 3% discount.”

una factura – an invoice

“Todas la facturas deben ser ingresadas antes del 20 de cada mes.” – “All invoices must be uploaded by the twentieth of each month.”