Profesiones y Trabajos/Professions and Jobs

Jobs and Professions
After reading over the words and example sentences try the worksheets at the bottom of the page.
un doctor/una doctora = a doctor
“El doctor trabaja en el hospital.” = “The doctor works in the hospital.”
un enfermero/una enfermera = a nurse
“La enfermera ayuda a los pacientes.” = “The nurse helps the patients
un maestro/una maestra = a teacher
“La maestra enseña matemáticas.” = “The teacher teachers math.”
un abogado/una abogada = a lawyer
“¿Necesitas un abogado?” = “Do you need a lawyer?”
un cajero/una cajera = a cashier
“La cajera trabaja en Wal Mart.” = “The cashier works in Wal Mart.”
un conserje/ una conserje = a janitor
“El conserje limpia la escuela.” = “The janitor cleans the school.”
un policía/una policía = a police officer
“El policía me ayuda.” = “The police officer helps me.”
un vendedor = a salesman
“El vendedor vende carros nuevos.” = “The salesman sells new cars.”
un peluquero/ una peluquera = a hair stylist
“El peluquero corta el pelo.” = “The hair stylist cuts hair.”
un conductor/una conductora = a bus driver
“El conductor maneja el autobús.” = “The bus driver drives the bus.”
un granjero/ una granjera = a farmer
“El granjero trabaja en la granja.” = “The farmer works on the farm.”
un reportero/una reportera = a news reporter
“El reportero nos da las noticias de hoy.” = “The reporter gives us today’s news.”
una criada = a maid
“La criada limpia la casa.”
un dentista/ una dentista = a dentist
“Estoy en la oficina de la dentista.” = “I am in the dentist’s office.”
un bombero/ una bombera = a fireman
“El bombero maneja un camión de bomberos.” = “The fireman drives a fire truck.”
un mesero/ una mesera = a waiter
“El mesero sirve la comida.” = “The waiter serves the food.”
un/una recepcionista = a receptionist
“La recepcionista contesta el teléfono.”
un contador/ una contadora = an accountant
“El contador trabaja con el dinero.” = “ the accountant works with money.”
un cocinero/ una cocinera = a cook
“La cocinera trabaja en el restaurante.” = “The cook works in the restaurant.”
un jardinero = a landscaper or lawn person
“El jardinero corta el césped.” = “The landscaper cuts the lawn.”
un carpintero/ una carpintera = a carpenter
“El carpintero construye una casa.” = “The carpenter constructs a house.”
Verbs to go with this Spanish Vocabulary:
trabajar = to work
contestar el teléfono = to answer the phone
cortar = to cut hair
ayudar = to help
enseñar = to teach
limpiar = to clean
servir = to serve
cocinar = to cook
informar = to inform
manejar = to drive
vender = to sell