La Comida/ Food

Vocabulary for Food and Drinks
Spanish words for food and drinks.
la banana/ banana
“Las bananas son amarillas.” = “Bananas are yellow.”
la manzana = apple
“Esta manzana es verde.” = “This apple is green.”
la fresa/ strawberry
“Una fresa es roja.” = “A strawberry is red.”
la naranja/ orange
“Una naranja es deliciosa.” = “An orange is delicious.”
la uva/ grape
“Estas uvas son verdes.” = “These grapes are green.”
el tomate/ tomato
“Los tomates son rojos.” = “Tomatoes are red.”
la lechuga/ the lettuce
“Hay lechuga en la ensalada.” = “There is lettuce in the salad.”
el brócoli/ broccoli
“No me gusta el brócoli para nada.” = “I don’t like broccoli at all.”
las zanahorias/ carrots
“A los conejos les gustan las zanahorias.” = “Rabbits like carrots.”
las papas/ potatoes
“Se sirve las papas con el bistec.” = “Potatoes are served with steak.”
el pimiento verde/ green pepper
“El pimiento aquí en la foto es rojo y verde.” = “The pepper here in this photo is red and green.”
Carne y Pescado- Meat and Fish
el bistec/ steak
“Muchas personas cocinan el bistec en la parrilla.” = “A lot of people cook steak on a grill.”
el pollo/ chicken
“Este es pollo asado.” = “This is grilled chicken.”
el tocino/ bacon
“Para el desayuno yo como huevos y tocino.” = “For breakfast I eat eggs and bacon.”
el jamón/ ham
“Aquí tengo un sándwich de jamón y queso.” = “Here I have a sandwich with ham and cheese.”
los camarones/ shrimp
“Me gustan los camarones.” = “I like shrimp.”
el pescado/ fish
“Sirven pescado en este restaurante .” = “They serve fish in this restaurant.”
una hamburgesa/ a hamburger
“A mi hijo le gustan las hamburgesas de Burger King.” = “My son likes Burger King’s hamburgers.”
Otras Comidas/Other Food
el arroz/ rice
“El arroz es blanco.” = “Rice is white.”
los frijoles/ beans
“Sirven los frijoles con los tacos.” = “They serve beans with tacos.”
la mantequilla/ butter
“¿Pones mantequilla en el pan?” = “Do you put butter on bread?”
la sal y la pimienta/ salt and pepper
“Siempre tenemos sal y pimienta en la mesa.” = “We always have salt and pepper on the table.”
el sándwich/ sandwich
“Tengo un sándwich para el almuerzo.” = “I have a sandwich for lunch.”
La ensalada/ salad
“En la ensalada hay tomates y zanahorias y lechuga.” = “There are tomatoes, carrots and lettuce in the salad.”
el cereal/ cereal
“Yo como el cereal con leche.” = “I eat cereal with milk.”
los huevos/ eggs
“Me gustan los huevos fritos.” = “I like fried eggs.”
Los Postres/ Desserts
el helado/ ice cream
“El helado es un postre congelado.” = “Ice cream is a frozen dessert.”
la galleta/ cookie
“Mi hija come una galleta después del almuerzo.” = “My daughter eats a cookie after lunch.”
el pastel/ cake
“El pastel es blanco.” = “The cake is white.”
Las Bebidas/ Drinks
el agua/ water
“Yo bebo agua de una botella.” = “I drink water from a bottle.”
la leche/ milk
“Ella bebe leche cuando come unas galletas.” = “She drinks milk when she eats some cookies.”
el jugo/ juice
“Se sirve el jugo de naranja con el desayuno.” = “Orange juice is served with breakfast.”
el refresco / soft drink
“Me gustan los refrescos mejor que la leche.” = “I like soft drinks beter than milk.”
el café/ coffee
“Mi padre toma café por la mañana.” = “My dad drinks coffee in the morning.”
el vino/ wine
“Tomamos vino tinto con la cena.” = “We drink red wine with dinner.”
la cerveza/ beer
“Los hombres toman cerveza en el bar.” = “The men drink beer in the bar.”
Spanish Verbs for Food and Drink Vocabulary
comer = to eattomar = to drink
servir = to serve
cocinar = to cook
desayunar = to eat breakfast
almorzar = To eat lunch
cenar = To eat dinner
preparar = to prepare or make
cortar = to cut
poner = to put
Exercises to Practice These Spanish Vocabulary Words