Numbers 30 – 1000
Go to the bottom of the page for worksheets to practice this skill.
30 = treinta
40 = cuarenta
50 = cincuenta
60 = sesenta
70 = setenta
80 = ochenta
90 = noventa
100 = cien
* Starting with “31” Spanish numbers are not written in combined form. The word “y” is used to separate the numbers. For example:
treinta y cinco. = 35
noventa y dos = 92
cincuenta y nueve = 59
* The word “cien” is only used before nouns and in counting. The word “ciento” is used to form the numbers 101 – 199. For example:
ciento treinta y dos = 132
ciento noventa y tres = 193
Tengo ciento veintitres dólares. = I have 123 dollars.
Tengo cien dólares. = I have 100 dollars.
200 = doscientos
300 = trescientos
400 = cuatrocientos
500 = quinientos
600 = seiscientos
700 = setecientos
800 = ochocientos
900 = novecientos
1000 = mil
The numbers 200 through 900 have to match the gender of the noun they describe.
Hay doscientas mujeres que trabajan aquí. = There are 200 women that work here.
Hay doscientos hombres que trabajan aquí. = There are 200 men that work here.
To combine hundreds with tens you do the following:
trescientos treinta y cuatro = 334
novecientos cincuenta y tres = 953