Numbers 1 to 30
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The numbers 0 – 30 are as follows:
0 = cero
1 = uno
2 = dos
3 = tres
4 = cuatro
5 = cinco
6 = seis
7 = siete
8 = ocho
9 = nueve
10 = diez
11 = once
12 = doce
13 = trece
14 = catorce
15 = quince
16 = dieciséis
17 = diecisiete
18 = dieciocho
19 = diecinueve
20 = veinte
21 = veintiuno
22 = veintidós
23 = veintitres
24 = veinticuatro
25 = veinticinco
26 = veintiséis
27 = veintisiete
28 = veintiocho
29 = veintinueve
30 = treinta
* The number “1” in Spanish is “uno”, when counting, but before nouns it goes to “un” or una”. For example:
Yo tengo un libro. = I have one book.
Ella tiene una casa. = She has one house.
* The number “21” follows that pattern. It goes to “veintiun” (before masculine nouns) or “veintiuna” (for feminine nouns).
Yo tengo veintiún libros. = I have twenty one books.
Ella tiene veintiuna casas. = She has twenty one houses.