
darle voz a
to give someone or something attention and recognition
“Es un honor darle voz a este producto.” = “It is an honor to get the word out about this product.”
dar un viraje
to swerve
“Di un viraje brusco para no atropellar a un gato.” = “I swerved to avoid running over a cat.”
to unfold or display
“Mi padre desplegó el mapa en la mesa.” = “My dad unfolded the map on the table.”
To lollygag
“Mis estudiantes prefieren holgazanear.” = “My students prefer to lollygag.”
Hacer publicidad
To advertise
“No venden mucho porque no hacen publicidad.” = “They don’t sell a lot because they don’t advertise.”
Comprometerse con
To get engaged
“Me comprometí con Angela.” = “I got engaged to Angela.”
To score a point or goal in sports.
“Juan anotó un gol” = “Juan scored a goal.”
tirarse a la piscina
dive in to the pool
“Me tiré a la piscina” = “I dove into the pool.”
facturar el equipaje
to check your bags in
“Después de facturar el equipaje leí una revista en la sala de espera.” = “After checking my bags in, I read a magazine in the waiting area.”
cobrar un cheque
to cash a check
“Se puede cobrar un cheque aquí.” = “You can cash a check here.”
to try on (clothing)
“Me probé la camisa roja.” = “I tried on the red shirt.”
ir de excursión
to go on a hike
“Vamos de excursión mañana.” = “We are going on a hike tomorrow.”
manos a la obra
Let’s get to work
“Ya es hora, manos a la obra.” = “It’s time. Let’s get to work.”
pegarle un tiro a
to shoot someone
“El policía le tiró un tiro al criminal.” = “The policeman shot the criminal.”
to rip off or steal
“Mi jefe estafó miles de dólares a la compañía.” = “My boss stole thousands of dollars from the company.”
to warm up (before exercise)
“Es inteligente calentarse antes de hacer ejercicios aeróbicos.” = “It is smart to warm up before doing aerobics.”
echarse a reír
to burst out laughing
“Nos echamos a reír” = “We burst out laughing.”
to take turns
“Los niños se turnan en hallar sus propios zapatos en un montón de zapatos.” = “The kids take turns looking for their shoes in a huge pile of shoes.”
to board (a plane or car or bus)
“Subí al avión a las tres.” = “I got on the plane at 3:00.”
matar a tiros
to shoot to death
“Mataron a tiros un senador de mi estado.” = “They shot a senator to death from my state.”
hacerse el tonto
to play the fool
“Juan es muy inteligente, pero a veces se hace el tonto.” = “Juan is a smart person, but sometimes he plays the fool.”
llevar puesto
to be wearing
“Yo llevaba puesto un traje de seda.” = “I was wearing a silk suit.
enterarse de
to find out about
“Ella se enteró de la sitación.” = “She found out about the situation
levantar el ánimo
lift the spirits
“Necesito algo para levantar el ánimo de mi clase.” = “I need something to lift the spirits of my class.”
to be absent
“No me gusta faltar a la clase de matemáticas.” = “I don’t like to miss math class.”
dedicarse a
to do (in terms of work)
“¿A qué te dedicas?” = “What do you do for a living
hablar por los codos
to talk too much or non stop
“El profesor de español habla por los codos.” = The Spanish professor talks non stop.”
navegar la Red
surf the internet
“¿Te gusta navegar la Red.”= “Do you like to surf the web?”
salir por
to leave for
Salgo por el Ecuador el lunes.”=” I leave for Ecuadoe on Monday
romper con
to break up with
“Rompí con mi novia.”= “I broke up with my girlfriend.”
cambiar de canal
change the channel
“Si hay anuncios yo cambio de canal.” = “If there are advertisements I change the channel.”
tratar de
to try to do something
“Nosotros tratamos de ganar.” = “We tried to win.
pegarse en
to bump something
“Me pegué en la pierna.” = “I bumped my leg.”
romper a llorar
to break into tears
“Rompí a llorar cuando entró mi hija.” = “I broke into tears when my daughter entered.
ganar a
to beat (another team or person)
“Ganamos a los Tigres.” = “We beat the Tigers.
Contar con
To count on
“Puedes contar con ella.” = “You can count on her.”
Descargar el inodoro
To flush the toilet
“Se le olvida descargar el inodoro a veces.” = “He forgets to flush the toilet sometimes.”
Tirar la basura
To throw trash away
“Tiré la basura por la ventana.” = “I threw the garbage out the window
Volver a (+ verb) …
To do again
“Vuelvo a estudiar.” = “I study again.
Pedir prestado
To ask for a loan
“Le pedí prestado un dólar.” = “I asked him to lend me a dollar.
To run for
Obama se va a postular para la presidencia.” = “Obama is going to run for president.”
Dar una voltereta
To do a flip.
Di una voltereta en la cama.” = “I did a flip on the bed.
Dar una fiesta
To have a party
“Pienso dar una fiesta el viernes que viene.” = I’m planning on having a party next Friday
Darse con
To bump into
“Me di con la mesa.” = “I bumped into the table.”
Caminar de Puntillas
To walk on your tippy toes
“Mi hijo camina de puntillas. Me molesta mucho.” = “My son walks on his tippy toes. It annoys me.”
Hacer una escala
To make a stop (on a flight)
“El avión hace una escala en Chicago.” = “The plane makes a stop in Chicago.”
To fall asleep (as opposed to “dormir” = to sleep)
“No te duermas en clase. El profesor se enoja.” = “Don’t fall asleep. The professor gets mad.”
Ponerse al día
To get up to date on
“Voy a ponerme al día con el trabajo.” =“I’m going to get up to date with the work.”
To eat up
“Me comí toda la sopa.” = “I ate up all the soup.”
Ir de compras
To go shopping
“No quiero ir de compras con mi novia.” = “I don’t want to go shopping with my girlfriend.”
Contar con
To count on
“Puedes contar conmigo.” = “You can count on me.”
Dar una patada
To kick
“Un policía me dio una patada en la cara.” = “A policeman kicked me in the face.”
Ponerse a
To start doing something
“Pónganse a trabajar” = “Get to work.”
Darse cuenta
To realize
“Me doy cuenta que no voy a ganar mucho dinero en este trabajo.” = I realize that I’m not going to make a lot of money at this job.”
Ir al grano
To get to the point
“Vamos al grano.” = Let’s get to the point.”